Falls Prevention Initial Assessment Falls Prevention Initial Assessment

Falls Prevention Initial Assessment

About the Questionnaire

The Falls Prevention Questionnaire is designed to help identify people who are at risk of a fall so that their GP can put in place an integrated plan and referrals for services.

There are 10 sections in the questionnaire.

The last section is to be completed by you, as the assessor, based on your observations of the client's balance, footwear and confidence.

As you undertake the questionnaire, be observant and consider how aware the client is of their abilities and surroundings.

Falls Prevention Initial Assessment

Introduction and Consent

Before you Begin

As you work through the questionnaire there will be instructions and prompts to guide you on what to observe or say to the client.

For example:

  • Speaking to the client
  • Observing the client
  • Activity for the client to complete
  • Section for you to complete

Introduction for Client

This questionnaire is designed to help us assess whether you are at risk of a fall so that we can ensure an appropriate plan is put in place by your GP to reduce this risk.

A report will be produced from your answers that can be given to your GP. These results will also be used for research to improve our understanding of how to reduce the risks and improve interventions.